"Be the change you wish to see in the world" - Mahatma Gandhi
"So I was sitting here on my couch, with my broken leg, like I have been doing everyday for the past month or so and thought to myself, why am I JUST sitting here? I mean I am just sitting here surfing the web, textng messaging my friends, listening to music and watching tv....when there is SO much more I could be doing..not for myself but for others. So then I asked myself...well Erica..what is it that YOU could do? Well my homepage for the internet is set to MSN.com and half way down on the page a video/webcast caught my eye. It was called "Military Idols". It was this story that was about a volunteer group (aaSP) that who raised over $40,000 in video games to send to troops overseas.
I have just always wanted to do something, even if it is just brightening one person's day and that story just really inspired me. Those of you who know me, know the type of person I am..I just want to give..I would give all I had if it meant someone else in need could have happiness." -Written on Friday May 2nd 2008
Friday May 2nd 2008 was the day I began my involvement with the support of America's heroes. My involvement started small with joining the programs Adopt a US Soldier and Adopt a Platoon . Both of these organiaztions are volunteer based with the mission of serving depolyed American service men and women ensuring that they are not forgotten by a grateful nation.
Quickly after being involved with both AAUSS and Adopt a Platoon I realized that not only did I want to do more to support those service men and women but I needed to do more. That is when I decided to broaden my scope of involvement. Currently my involved includes but is not limited to the following organizations:
Adopt A US Soldier
Adopt a Platoon
Wounded Warrior Project
Soldier's Angels - More specifically Soldier's Angels Germany and Blankets of Belief
Molly's Adopt A Sailor -Special Hugs
Operation Write Home
Green Beans Coffee -Cup of Joe for a Joe
Erica, I absolutely love this idea!! You are so inspiring, and I am honored to be your friend. I can't wait to follow your blog!!! xoxox, Sarah